Adult Protective Services safeguard vulnerable adults through investigations of reports alleging abuse, neglect, self-neglect or exploitation, and arrangements for the provision of emergency or supportive services necessary to reduce or eliminate risk of harm.
Vulnerable Adult: A person 18 years of age or older who is unable to protect himself/herself from abuse, neglect, or exploitation due to physical or mental impairment which affects the person’s judgment or behavior to the extent that he lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate or implement decisions regarding his/her person.
Abuse: The intentional or negligent infliction of physical pain, injury or mental injury.
Neglect: Failure of a caretaker to provide food, clothing, shelter or medical care reasonably necessary to sustain the life and health of a vulnerable adult, or the failure of a vulnerable adult to provide those services for himself/herself.
Exploitation: An action which may include, but is not limited to, the unjust or improper use of a vulnerable adult’s financial power of attorney, funds, property, or resources by another person for profit or advantage.
If you have a reason to believe that an adult in Eastern Idaho is a victim of elder or vulnerable adult abuse, please report this information to Adult Protective Services by calling (208) 522-5391. Anonymous reports are accepted. If you are a Mandated Reporter you can complete an online report here.
When making a report, please include the following information (when applicable):